[pct-l] Simplifying Meal Preparation

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Tue Sep 19 04:14:52 CDT 2006

Jim Keener wrote.........I'm looking for breakfast and dinner that require
no cooking, none at all.
There are many ways you can go depending on how simple or light you want to
keep it.
The simplest and lightest method is the trail runners method......granola
bars, power bars, energy bars,  candy bars and powder supplements that meet
your taste criteria.
If you prefer a menu that more closely resembles a meal......try your
favorite cold cereal with powdered milk for breakfast.
For dinner,if weight is not an issue........ try pita bread stuffed with
tuna, salmon, chicken, salami or anything that fancies your taste buds,
toped with your favorite sauce or dressing that you can get at
any fast food restaurant in small sealed packages. Add to that some baby
tear carrots or cherry tomatoes and you have tasty dinner.
For dinner and even breakfast, if weight is an issue........try 4-5 oz of
dehydrated refried and or black
beans. Add regular cold drinking water to beans, in zip lock bag or some
other container, about 30-45 minutes before your scheduled dinner, slip
container under your shirt behind your pack and keep on hiking. By dinner
time the beans will be fully saturated and close to body temperature. Eat
the beans with tortilla chips and you have a nice  Mexican dinner high in
carbohydrates & protein, just what the body needs after a hard day on the
trail and you will be eating and shouting......OOHHLLEE!!!.....while your
hiking companions are priming their stoves.
And if you really want to go the Mexican way bring along some powdered
tequila mix and you will be shouting.....OOHHLLEE!!!.....all night
long.......keeps the bears away.
PS.....I would strongly recommend using 2 zip locks just in case one bag
leaks. It could make a mess in your pants, and other hikers might not
I don't know how fussy you are, but I find those bean meals quiet
But, then of course, 4 yrs in the USMC infantry has a tendency to take all
the fussiness out of you.
I learned that trick from Scott.
Scott is not fussy either, I wonder if Scott was in the USMC?

JMT Reinhold
Your discriminating, a la France gourmet style cooking trail companion

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